Hello faithful sisters in Christ,
I've received many emails asking when the study will be complete. After much prayer, consulting with my husband and wise counsel from my Women's Ministry Director at our church, from time to time, I will update you on the progress of this study's completion so that you can participate in praying for the Lord's perfect timing and provision.
Many of you already know that I've suffered from serious health issues for the past eight years and have spent much of my time in hospitals. Due to my first commitment and ministry to my family (lest I be a hypocrite in writing this study) and my failing health, I've been hindered from completing this study up till now. But please be assured, it is always something I pray fervently about and am waiting on the Lord for some help for this task, by God's design, has become too great for me to carry alone.
My latest health challenge happened two months ago when I found myself in the emergency room (again) in extreme pain and unable to move. After years of nursing some herniated discs and one bulging, two of them completely burst and flattened, causing one of my vertebrae to slip. Because both discs released all its fluid into my back, I had severe nerve and muscle inflammation which is why I couldn't move. After being hospitalized for a week and having a CT Scan and MRI, I was told I finally needed to have that surgery I've been told I would need for the past several years.
The surgery was what they call a four level surgery with the removal and replacement of two discs and spinal fusion that included two titanium rods and eight screws to be put in my back. Because it's such a severe surgery, the time for full recovery is nine months. So as you can see, I have quite a challenge ahead of me. But as Jesus said, our bodies may be weak, but our spirit that is united with Him, is willing (Mk 14:38); and indeed it is.
With all that said, I'm grateful to God for providing me with some help that will be coming soon and am hoping that He will make it possible for this study to be completed by December 2012.
Please join us in prayer. Thank you.
I've received many emails asking when the study will be complete. After much prayer, consulting with my husband and wise counsel from my Women's Ministry Director at our church, from time to time, I will update you on the progress of this study's completion so that you can participate in praying for the Lord's perfect timing and provision.
Many of you already know that I've suffered from serious health issues for the past eight years and have spent much of my time in hospitals. Due to my first commitment and ministry to my family (lest I be a hypocrite in writing this study) and my failing health, I've been hindered from completing this study up till now. But please be assured, it is always something I pray fervently about and am waiting on the Lord for some help for this task, by God's design, has become too great for me to carry alone.
My latest health challenge happened two months ago when I found myself in the emergency room (again) in extreme pain and unable to move. After years of nursing some herniated discs and one bulging, two of them completely burst and flattened, causing one of my vertebrae to slip. Because both discs released all its fluid into my back, I had severe nerve and muscle inflammation which is why I couldn't move. After being hospitalized for a week and having a CT Scan and MRI, I was told I finally needed to have that surgery I've been told I would need for the past several years.
The surgery was what they call a four level surgery with the removal and replacement of two discs and spinal fusion that included two titanium rods and eight screws to be put in my back. Because it's such a severe surgery, the time for full recovery is nine months. So as you can see, I have quite a challenge ahead of me. But as Jesus said, our bodies may be weak, but our spirit that is united with Him, is willing (Mk 14:38); and indeed it is.
With all that said, I'm grateful to God for providing me with some help that will be coming soon and am hoping that He will make it possible for this study to be completed by December 2012.
Please join us in prayer. Thank you.